"Christmas... is not an external event at all, but a piece of one's home that one carreid in one's heart."
Freya Stark
"The best of all gifts around Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other." Burton Hillis
The distance doesn't mean to be sad this holiday. It’s time to be jolly and thank God every
blessing I received for this whole year. Work doesn't hinder me to attend Tagalog Mass
or our Simbang Gabi. I really prayed for
it. I am very grateful, even though how busy my schedule was, I still manage to
attend the said Holy Mass for nine evenings.
As 2013 near to our doorstep, let’s hope and pray for the betterment. Every
resolution during New Year we tend to promise to ourselves, let’s just keep and
look forward to those changes.