Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Photographs & Poetry

Hidden Pain

I treat you as  a friend,
But you treated me as  a trash,
You shove me away,
Like a useless man.

 Now, the fire in my eyes,
The wound in my heart
Will stay forever
As long as I live.

 True friends are really hard to find

False friends are like autumn leaves
Scattered everywhere.


Harsh words are hard to bear
Stabbed  behind my back
Insensitivity in you,   a ruthless man.

You made me stronger by your unbearable words
Standing firm where am I right now,

 Brave heart  as I face the world
Not afraid anymore in the dark.

Vengeance is not ours, my  friend
The wheel of life will keep on turning.

Life still must go on, 
My rhythm plays the song.

As the sun still shining on me,
Soon, I will leave my path
Only time will heal the wounds
The scars that marked my weakest point.